Original Item: Only One Available. The U.S. War Department published Newsmaps throughout the second World War. The names and configurations of the responsible sub-agencies changed several times during the war. Notes on many of the Newsmaps indicate that they were distributed by both the Army and the Navy. The poster is in fair shape but does have some folding tears from being stored like this for so long. There is also a small bit of staining on the plane side.
During most of the war, Newsmaps typically featured maps of the world and of local areas seeing fighting, brief summaries of military action during the week, and photographs of troops and materiel. The earliest Newsmaps were printed on one side only. However, beginning with volume 1, no. 5, most Newsmaps had a second side which provided recognition cues for tanks, ships, and planes; information about enemy organization, equipment, and uniform insignia; strategies for defeating or evading enemy weapons; detailed maps; highlights of service achievement; or inspirational posters or photo montages. As hostilities came to a close, Newsmap content switched to revelations of enemy atrocities, and to information on the peace process and reconstruction efforts around the world. Side two content on these later Newsmaps often focused on preparation for the return to civilian life.
This is one of the earlier examples of News Map posters, dated for the week of August 13th, 1943.
The poster shows a variety of 19 different aircraft, given American style nicknames alongside their actual identification. The 19 examples shown are
“Zeke” – Single Seater Flighter, Mitsubishi 00
“Rufe” – Single Seater Fighter Float Plane, Mitsubishi 00
“Hap” – Single Seater Fighter, Mitsubishi 00 MK-2
“Oscar” – Single Seater Fighter, Nakajima 01 and Pienchuan 01
“Dave” – Reconnaissance Fighter, Nakajima 95
“Pete” – Reconnaissance Fighter Float Plane, Sasebo 00
“Nate” – Single Seater Fighter, Nakajima 97, (Also Mitsubishi)
“Claude” – Single Seater Fighter, Mitsubishi 96
“Val” – Dive Bomber, Aichi 99
“Ida” – Light Bomber, Mitsubishi 98
“Kate” – Torpedo Bomber, Nakajima 97 (Also Mitsubishi)
“Sonia” – Light Reconnaissance Bomber, Mitsubishi 98
“Lily” – Medium bomber, Probably Kawanashi 99
“Mary” – Light Bomber, Kawasaki 97
“Sally” – Medium Bomber, Mitsubishi 97
“Nell” – Medium Bomber, Mitsubishi 96
“Betty” – Long Range Bomber, Mitsubishi 01
“Mavis” – Patrol Bomber, Kawanashi 97
“Topsy” – Transport, Mitsubishi MC 20
This is a lovely poster with very important information about Japanese aircraft, and comes ready for further research and display.
Concerns about national security intensify in wartime. During World War II, the Government alerted citizens to the presence of enemy spies and saboteurs lurking just below the surface of American society. "Careless talk" posters warned people that small snippets of information regarding troop movements or other logistical details would be useful to the enemy. Well-meaning citizens could easily compromise national security and soldiers' safety with careless talk.
“Words are ammunition. Each word an American utters either helps or hurts the war effort. He must stop rumors. He must challenge the cynic and the appeaser. He must not speak recklessly. He must remember that the enemy is listening.”
- Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry Office of War Information